Pay per Click (PPC)
1. Create compelling PPC text
Create Pay Per Click (PPC) ads that build customer confidence or reduce purchasing anxiety. If you track statistics and have some positive ones that you can use, PPC ads are a great place to A/B test. For example, “98% satisfaction rate” or “240 Point Avg Score Increase” can be important drivers that can compel a potential customer to click on your ad.
The rapid growth of social networks means that long before customers contact your tutoring business, they will likely know a lot about you. Especially if your company provides services to children, you can bet that parents will do everything possible to get a glimpse of what they can expect from your company. In this article, we will look at the best online channels for tutoring, test prep, enrichment, and educational services providers, as well as give a number of effective ways in which you can get the most out of each platform.
Just because you are a small or medium sized tutoring company doesn’t mean that you can’t have the same great tutoring management software features that the big companies enjoy. The best tutoring business software solutions integrate nearly every part of the tutoring value chain from HR, Applicant Tracking and On-boarding, Job Broadcasting, Scheduling, Billing, Invoicing, Attendance, CRM, and Educator tools. Advanced tutoring business software can help turbocharge your company’s growth by reducing your company’s expenses, generating more leads and referrals, and freeing you up to focus on growth-oriented business activities.
Why is it that some of your tutoring, test prep, or educational services competitors rank consistently higher than you do for the most desirable search terms? How is it that many of your competitors get higher placement with Per Per Click ads (PPC) even when it appears that you are outbidding them for target keywords? In this blog post, we will evaluate best practices in how to ethically analyze your local, regional, and national competitors quickly and easily. Armed with this information you can craft an ROI-focused digital marketing strategy that can improve your placement and increase your bottom line revenue. Continue Reading »
Remarketing: An Overview
Remarketing, also known as Retargeting, is the online marketing strategy of targeting visitors who have already visited your website with banner ads. Those who are perhaps not familiar with the practice may have noticed that banner ads from websites advertising products you may have searched for in the recent past seem to follow you around as your visit other sites in subsequent days. Remarketing can be a highly effective strategy for bringing visitors back to your website and has been proven to increase conversion rates by as much as 70%. Continue Reading »